My time in NZ ..... a continuation of the Beeston dRylands experiment which began back in 1999.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

21/2/05 - NZ Flight

Here begins my year of Jubilee - sabatical - whatever you call it to the land of nz.
Can't wait.

Not too sure yet what this BLOG will contain, but I guess we'll see how it develops and unfolds over the course of the year.
Please feel free to join in on the journey with me .. and I'd love your comments (and cheeky input) when you get the chance!

Let the adventure commence.

Made it!

So far so good. Taken to airport by Sarah and Theo. Have final Starbucks with them, feeling very chilled - then slight panic as it takes 40mins to get through passport/ xray and end up being one of the last ones on the plan!.

Feeling very excited about what lies ahead.
Had the best build up one could possible want ... with an amazing final week in England full of fun things topped off by the best time in France

Nice and relaxed, not nervous (yet!) although not hugely engaged/ focused (yet?)- feel that may be a word for this season -> being chilled!
Not an intense time, yet still deep but gradual, letting/ allowing God to fill, rather than me 'creating' or even striving
- Ps 46 "Cease striving and know that I am God

On the flight I got a chance to look a little at the amazing book put together by the Amers,- challenged and thinking on word from Kev R.
(thanks SO MUCH to everyone who inputted into that .... that will be sustaining me over the course of the year!)


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