4/05/05 - Another general update
Hey all,
its been a while since I was last in communication ... so its about time that I update you all on things that have been going down in my world on the other side of the planet.
I've now been based in Hamilton some weeks and am slowly adjusting to the new pace of life. In many ways not much has changed since I last wrote ... still feel I'm settling into my work-role in the church, doing lots of bitty jobs with nothing yet to really get my teeth stuck into. Still looking for some extra part-time paid work (although have applied for a couple of jobs yesterday). Yet am loving being here, I'm excited about being here and feel at home KNOWING its the right place.
I've just had a 10 day break from work and Hamilton which gave me the chance to take in some more sites around this beautiful country, and spend a quality week with Mieke & the Watsons down in Wellington.
My time away started off in Auckland, picking up Mieke who had flown up from Wellington. She had just started on 2 weeks of holidays .. being a primary school teacher. We visited her grandparents and a number of her friends ... then returned to Hamilton where she got dragged around a few Gateway events, meeting some of my mates & a few of the church leaders down here. Then we did a couple of days of travelling (taking in some of the most stunning beaches .. plus the odd thermal hot-pool here & there) whilst slowly heading 'downwards' to Wellington in my faithful Nissan.
(Photos of the trip will be added soon)
My following week in Wellington consisted of doing my first kiwi wedding (a school teacher pal of Mieke's), getting some quality time in with Matt Watson together with his bro & sis, catching up with some of the other fine folk I'd got to know during my first 3 weeks in the country, meeting Mieke's parents(!!), helping Mieke paint a mural with her school-kids ... and generally spending far too much & going to bed too late!
Man, the weather was freezing in Wellington! They don't do central heating in nz, and so at night, there I was in the Watson residence tucked up under a blanket, a thick duvet & fully immersed within a sleeping bag.
The wedding was a good experience .... kiwis don't like following protocol ... and so I felt a bit over-dressed in my 'usual italian shirt/ tie combo' (its getting bit old hat now!) ... with most of the other guys in casual shirts & plenty of jeans on show. Also when it comes to speaches .... there is nothing of the 'father of the bride, groom, best man' routine .... its a free for all with everyone and anyone chipping in whenever the opportunity. Its good to see that some traditions still remain though .... especially the awful 'renta-dj' playing the usual overplayed disco numbers that only ever come out at weddings together with the odd tune that made the top 20 about 5 years ago! (they must buy their material in bulk on e-bay .. or trade-me as its known over here).
Starting work on the outdoor mural was a lot of fun .... its going to be a big huge view of Wellington and neighbouring hills, with all the local landmarks featuring in the painting together with snippets of the local maori culture. Unfortunately though I have heard rumours that the heavy wellington downpours over the last couple of days have removed the crayon outline of the piece .... and some of the paintwork is already starting to bubble :)
I'd appreciate your prayers over coming days ... I did my back in a couple of weeks ago .... just before leaving for Wellington ... and the pain is not yet easing off. Its creating a lot of discomfort right now .. and beginning to get me down a bit. Its partic frustrating as its meant I've had to can the running over the last few weeks ... something I'm really missing .... and without reg exercise I find myself getting tired so much quicker.
This week has been proving a challenging one for me ... what with my back getting me down a bit. Also being back in Hamilton, the pace is much slower than it was in Wellington, and so I'm finding I'm having a lot more free time... particularly in the eves. I guess over th last few days I've been wrestling somewhat with feeling a bit alone ... and hoping that I quickly settle in, get stuck into community and form some deep, accountable friendships. But its only starting to dawn on me that this free time is really good for me right now and exactly what I need... as hard as it may feel at times. I sense God completley in it .... and it is the space I need to really take God seriously and get some quality time in with Him (an aspect of this year which is key for me). I'm turning over a new leaf in reading (something I've always struggled with in the past) with a constant supply of books coming my way from Don (the pastor here).
Plus I've borrowed a guitar from a neighbour which means I can now badly bang & croak away till my hearts content! Again apprec your prayers that even if my social life picks up in the coming months ... I'd be able to maintain some time and space for me & God time.
byeee for now
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